A violent storm from Russia sweeps over us. Majestat were already able to convince with a demo in 2020 and are now delivering a small masterpiece with “Предсмертный дар (A Gift Before Death)”. Heroic melodies accompanied by abysmal screams and pounding bones. “A Gift Before Death” literally pierces the soul and does so without compromise. Well-considered sinister musical art. For this work, Urtod Void joined forces with California-based Forbidden Sonority.
Available on black and swamp green splatter vinyl. Here you are ordering the swamp green splatter vinyl edition.
Recorded and mixed by Sergei “Lazar” at CDM Records Studio in year 2021.
Artwork by Rotten Fantom.
1. Justinianus I
2. Слепой воевода
3. Забытые и окаменевшие
4. Жнецы плоти
5. Смерть
6. Сорок пять висельников
7. Поле
Listen here.