Now we come to these two wonderful recordings. It’s the “self-titled” EP and the “Allegoresis” EP by the Tuscon-based death metal band Exsul. Cavernous Death Metal with doomy and suffocating passages. Exsul draws you in deeply, but at the same time it can destroy you. Forged and possibly inspired by the barren Arizona wasteland. Nonetheless, Exsul will please a diverse audience, whether the preferences are more towards Anatomia, Teitanblood or classic stuff like Death.
A similar pressing was available through Caligari Records (US). Urtod is now responsible for the European cassette release. Recorded by Exsul. Mixed & mastered by Cody Davidson at Fix My Face Records. Cave photo by Jonathan Irish. Bronze relief by David Parsons. Band photo by Lindsay LeBlanc. Lyric panels by Gut Fish. Layout by Exsul.
Listen here.